Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The crowds roared last night as Michael Phelps became the winningest athlete in Olympic history. I could almost hear the roar of the world as they rejoiced in this young man's accomplishment by screaming USA!!USA!!. I cried and swelled with pride right along with his mother as she wept with excitement at the achievements of her only baby boy. I am quite the sap and a very sympathetic cryer. I had to choke back the nubbies when as I saw Old Glory raise to the roof and hear the melodies of The Star Spangled Banner playing. I sang along as the noted athlete stood stoic and still. I had chill bumps from my head to my feet. Like I said, I am sappy. I also cry every time I hear Rocky Top. OK, shut up! Laugh with me not at me! I think what it is , is that my emotions are triggered from memories. I vividly remember as a kid going to the UT games with my family. The sound of the band lining up in T formation (I already have chills), the taps of the drums, the announcer welcoming in our own Tennessee Vols and then the deafening screams of 100,000 fans. Cheering the Vols onto the field shouting WOOHOO!! GO VOLS!!! YEAH!!! The screams continue and you can feel the heavy vibrations in every inch of your body. Thunderous applause ring through your breast bone all the way through to your feet shaking from the stomping droves of fanamania. Today, I remember that excitement so clearly that when I hear the chants for USA USA, my nervous system just kicks in and I start bawl like a spring calf. What came to my mind during all this was Revelation 19. The Lamb stands victorious and a "great multitude" in heaven screams "Hallelujah!! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God!" "Hallelujah!! For the Lord our God the Almighty, reigns." (NASB) Can you for a brief moment imagine the throngs of people in one voice praising our God and King? I can hear the familiar WooHoos and the Go Go Gos rumbling in the atmosphere. The excitement is everywhere and victory is won. The battle is over and our Lord is victorious over ALL!!! YEAH!! Then the Father (not unlike a proud swimmers mom) rises up and weeps with excitement at the achievements of His only baby boy.
Yes I am crying and am covered in chills!!


Anonymous said...

And We, along with the infinite number of redeemed will be chanting:
Jesus ! Jesus ! Jesus !

Loved this Brandi!

Keep Writing!


I am Tammy, Welcome to my Farm said...

Love your colors Brandi! Your blog looks great! I look forward to reading it. I have put a link to yours from mine. I hope that is ok? Good luck!
Tammy Stewart