Yesterday the weatherman called for a possibility of snow showers in the East Tennessee Valley. We have become accustomed to the fact that no matter how often they predict a snow shower IT NEVER HAPPENS. So this morning it was not surprising at all to wake up to the same old dead brown grass. BLAH...weatherman! I had just nestled into the couch feeling a bit under the weather (pardon the pun), when I saw a flurry pass the window. I alerted Jack to open the curtains and by the time we had full view, the sky had opened up with fluffy pillows of frozen precipitation. It was actually snowing AND it was actually laying on the front porch and fore lying grass. The kids immediately wanted to run outside and take in the chilled splendor. It had only been snowing less than an hour and it was really quite sparse. Each child had their late breakfast and was begging to go out and play. I was a bit reluctant, but knowing how infrequent snowy days are in recent years I decided to let them go out. They all packed on double pants, socks, and shirts, waterproof gloves and coats, and topped off with woolly hats and scarves. They looked as if they were ready to take on the Arctic Tundra only to be facing the light dusting that h
ad accumulated all around. Immediately they started rolling balls all around the yard. To my surprise, the balls grew and grew until a small snowman could be formed. The yard, at this point, had been stripped of its feathery blanket and the greenish brown undercoat was once again revealed. The 3 foot concoction of dusty snow and the will of three children stood in the front yard proudly and somewhat discolored from leafy debris. As I looked at the pitiful snowy figure that was affectionately named "Jeffy" I became very aware of my own layer of debris. I too was a cold mass all dirty and tarnished with my sin. My only salvation was with the precious blood of Christ that was shed for me so that I could be washed as white as the falling snow. Ephesians 1:4 talks about how He chose me (Brandi) before the foundations of the world, and I (Brandi) would be Holy (sanctified) and blameless (pure like snow)in front of Him. Oh what a beautiful lesson. To see that although I may have "leaves and dirt" I am purified, washed and whiter than snow (Ps 51:7) in His eyes. As the snow continues to fall, I can only think of each little mercy that is renewed. They are renewed just as each icy flake falls from the sky abundance.
I love your blog! Your snow day sounds like mine! I had an early dr. appt. this morning and when I came out the snow falling was so beautiful! It immediately made me think of how God washes us white as snow. Poor Clayton thinks that a dusting is a real snow! At least you got a snowman, all we could make at our house was a good size snowball! check out my blog too!
Love your new layout! In fact, I almost decided on this layout but picked the other one instead. ;-)
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